Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What goes up must come down. For a moment I was a bird. No gravity or weight holding me down. But only for a second as I made my landing on mother earth once again!!!...I may be heavy in weight, but light of heart. That counts for something!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Having fun playing catch with myself. This is part of a long term series that I am creating. I will share some of the finished works with you. I hope they are received in a light hearted manner as that is the purpose of most of my work...As always I wish everyone as peaceful a day as possible...Smile at your reflection today...Practice makes perfect!

Friday, February 1, 2019

I have been posting hands, hands and more hands on this blog. And there will be more hands as the series progresses, however, I am creating a new series which I will present in the near future. I will present some random art as an interim in the coming blog's.....Today's hands are expressive and honest. The background color is a favorite of the model and a color which pleases me also. I guess I would like to ask the viewer to reflect on their favorite color and express it in their daily lives today and every day possible. If it brings happiness to your day then bring it on...may we all spin on our happy axis...