Monday, March 30, 2020

The mighty Crow. Top of the class for intelligence and noise. I have been feeding generations of Crows in my backyard by the Pear tree. They know me and they speak to me, usually demanding food, but I do a good Crow voice and talk back to them. Sometimes we go back and forth with sound. If they are not around when I go to feed them I call out in Crow and they arrive. If you do not know about Crows, Ravens, Magpies, Bluejays, read about  the Genus Corvus. Peace Out and stay safe.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Here is a frequent visiter to our Pear tree. We call it a Scrub Jay, but people commonly call it a Blue Jay. They are highly intelligent birds that squawk in a high pitch tone. They love to boss the other birds around. We enjoy their daily visits. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Looking out by kitchen window I thought it would be fun to record the creatures that visit our Pear tree. Today it is a Junco. A black headed bird that is small, but larger than a Chick-a-dee. They usually fly in groups, but today this Junco had the feeder to itself. Enjoy your day and if you can look at the nature around you. Peace Out.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

People, just folks going to and fro at the bus terminal. Visiting family, shopping, commuting to work or going to the park to walk and enjoy the fresh air, we all have some destination in our minds and hearts. We are a world of people first and foremost regardless of physical differences. Let us share this planet with grace and curtesy. Unity! (series 12)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

During these difficult times I thought that a visit today by one of the Doves that frequent our yard and love to sit in the Pear tree would put a smile on your face. These sweet birds have a wonderful cooing sound and love to go places in pairs. If you have the time I recommend going for a walk with a pair of binoculars and visit the birds that might live in your neighborhood..... Please enjoy as much as you can living on this planet. The odds of your conscience existing is less than one in 10 billion trillion. We are all exceptional and very lucky to be alive on this planet in the middle of nowhere!

Friday, March 20, 2020

This image has been shown in #7 and I feel it is appropriate at this time. With the grinding halt to every day common activities across the globe it is most important that we become aware of others around us. I am concerned, of course, for the vulnerable. But vulnerability comes in many shapes and forms. Along with the health aspect, I am feeling deeply for families the world over who will have great difficulty feeding and sheltering their families....Especially the single parent who's children depend on them for food and shelter. In America 40% of families are one paycheck away from poverty. Shocking, horrible, such a sad fact. What can we do to help?.....let us put our thinking caps on and be prepared to find a solution. Hang in their everyone. Peace out.

Original Caption
The glow of our hearts becomes a reflection in our hands. Our hands shape the world around us, let it reflect the happiness and insightfulness that rests in all of us. (series 7)

Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus, the Villain in the worlds face at the moment!!..As people struggle to try and understand the ramifications of this Pandemic I can only say to my family, friends and others, "Stay as safe as you can and have common sense be your guide". Peace Out!

Another addition to #9, the existential page section, and another view of altered stop action. With the sun at her back while walking down the street she passes a man working on his pick-up truck. This is America at the grass roots level. (series 9)

Saturday, March 7, 2020

The bus stop. A place many people are familiar with and depend on. Many destinations to be reached. Traveling to visit loved ones in the hospital, going to the movies, grocery store or visit a friend. Not everyone has a car or enough money for UBER or LYFT. But Mass Transportation is the future for the planet. Needs to be the future! The sooner we all get on board, the better for the birds and bees!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Having a meal and later "game night" with friends. People of the planet gathering together to enjoy each others company. Who knows each others past? All that counts is the present!