Sunday, June 30, 2024

Representing a sense of energy flowing, its coming and goings, and directions within my abstracted portals. Would they work in real time, I doubt it, but for me they are etherial and for that reason alone, it works!..."Universe" Series

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024

Somehow I feel as if I am going back in time. A Journey I will willingly take, if not to correct the wrongs then to know what is good..."Camera Obsura" Series

 Shape, Color, Form And A Story?..."Noir" Series

I do believe that it is possible, that in fact, there already exists clean power sources that are small, very small in comparison to the energy output created. I only hope that the secrecy around this type of technology will not be hidden from us. The planet needs all the help it can get..."Universe" Series 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Every Day and Night when I look at the Earth I always imagine the vastness of energy that envelops me. The unexplained that I except as a visitor to this planet..."Universe" Series

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Changed out the lens and find that the focal point becomes more centered and bright. I like that the surrounding areas are darker and more mysterious. I will use that visual aspect for more dramatically themed scenes. It is the process and the joy that stimulates life..."Camera Obscura" Series

Monday, June 17, 2024

This is my Camera Obscura which I built. (Top Left) is the front and side...(Top Right) is the panel that holds the lens...(Bottom Right) side view from viewing box to front...(Bottom Left) Looking into the viewing box....The images are focused sliding the viewing box towards the front or backwards...Great fun..."Camera Obscura" Series

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Camera Obscura Image of our Calendula Patch. This Patch has been reseeding itself in the same spot for the past twenty years. We not only enjoy the year round color, but also harvest the flower to eat in Salads and also for skin care and wound healing when made into a salve..."Camera Obscura" Series

Friday, June 14, 2024

Playful, Toy(ish), A Passage Of Color..."Coloring Book" Series

A Seascape from Puget Sound in the Seattle area. Had to pull the car over and gaze at the vastness offered. I still have a sense of calmness just looking at the image. Of course I put my own emotion on the finished image as I try to evoke and share what I felt. This is life..."Landscape" Series

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Thursday, June 6, 2024

 Obscure Is The New Now..."Camera Obscura" Series

My Camera Obscura in my backyard capturing the Blue Bench. Still using Tracing paper as screen, but hope to discover different materials for different affects..."Camera Obscura" Series

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

How do we see ourselves? Each morning looking in the mirror we make decisions. I thought it fun to divide myself into parts to see what the whole could be.....Artistically..."Portrait" Series

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sunday, June 2, 2024

This is a Linoleum print I created about 45 years ago. Its meaning still stands strong to me today as when I made it. The print represents the "Rising" and "Falling" in ones life, but this print also represents the balance I was looking for in my life. The evenness that leads to Happiness.

 Red Sunset At Night, Sailor's Delight..."Landscape" Series

Saturday, June 1, 2024

I was browsing and found the "Birch Forest" image. I especially enjoy this image because it was taken when my Father was living and we were enjoying a walk in the Oregon forest. ...."Landscape" Series

 Splash Of Color..."Coloring Book" Series