Undulating Worm Holes In Space
Positive And Negative Energy sharing
Like A Solar Flair....Energy Wave
Marriage Of Sun And Contrail
"Water Vapor And Protons"
Light At The End Of the Tunnel
Intense Energy
Looking For Fusion
Something Exciting In Space
Three UFO"S
The Abyss Of Space
The Immensity Of Space
Inside A Fusion Reactor......Clean Energy
Compressed Collection
As light travels fantastic distances it is not a straight line, a straight line as we know it, but bends with gravitational pull of objects seen and unseen.
Unknown And Distant Energy, Yet Close And Visible
My Worlds In The Universe
We All Originate From Stardust
Bright White Orb With Trailing Extension
Blue Orb
Two Suns
We Are Star Dust Incarnate
Expand, Expanding, Expanded
Abstract image representing connected energy within the Universe and maybe beyond.
The ceiling of clouds....The energy of the Sun....The reflection of light....The light of Humanity below....
A pin point of energy in the Universe can represent unimaginable amounts of energy. Beyond comprehension.
Existential energy in space
I find myself drawn, drawn and drawn to create my representation of the Universe. It involves emotion that revolves around mystery. Every known fact about the Universe is but a drop in the bucket and my representation feeds my thirst for the imagined.
I am going to call this a representation of an Event Horizon. When we were children there was a game or some might call it a challenge where one would make a line on the ground and you would challenge whomever to step over the line to your side. Once they crossed they were on your side. No going back...That happens for real in space, especially with a Black Hole event...No going back
In the beginning
Think 2001: A Space Odyssey
String Theory Of Universe Surrounds A Sun
An Energy Chink In Space
Sidewalk Chalk Image Becomes A Star!
Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017
Chalk Star
Pathway of light coming or going?
Viewing Space from an obscure spot
The Moon will be 222,023 miles from Earth today and will be the first of 2 Super Moon's in the month of August. Very Cool!
Metamorphosis, Becoming Something Else
Hot, Hot Laser
Celestial Object
Concentric Waves
Realizing The Energy Around Us
Red Energy
Wand Worlds
Cosmic Burst
One Billion Light Years Away
To The Heavens
Sun Spot
Five Universe Mysteries
At The Edge Of Somewhere
Transitional Space Travel AKA Wormhole
Far, Far Away
Emulating The Universe
Rendering Time
Welcome To My World
Star Dust
Alien Lights
Abstracted Plant One Light Year Distant
Abstracted Galaxies in alinement with String Theory Vibrations.
Dying Sun Expanding
The Beauty Of Energy Within And Without
New Energy Sources
Representing a sense of energy flowing, its coming and goings and directions within my abstracted portals. Would they work in real time, I doubt it, but for me they are etherial and for that reason alone, it works!
Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three...Testing...Are You There?
From Whence We Came...Discovery
Moon Lines
UFO Hovering Low Over The Desert Sands
Odd Singular Moments In Space
For me, Philosophy and Science would combine as one if I was so fortunate to travel in space an find myself with a view that synthesized a reality so new that wonderment would fill my brain...
An Opening To The Heavens
Traversing The Milky Way
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