
What is the Noir series about....Having watched many Detective movies that are of the Noir flavor I have adapted the harder gist of Noir into a softer mysterious realm. My Noir becomes one of secrets, mystery and the unknown using light, color, shape and at times a simple story box as in "Hiding" or "The blues Mystery" and "For Corners And Barefoot Somewhere". What is seemingly seen can be a red herring or a dream. Each person from their own point of view can interpret the images accordingly to fit their own experiences. Have a sweet day!

 Mystery Brown

Four Corners And Barefoot Somewhere

Velvet Night


The Blues Mystery



Kitty Comes From And Goes To?

Only Kitty Knows What Is Next On The "To Do" list

Existential Moment

Existential Wondering

Ball In The Hall

Three In A Row...Waiting

Drinking a Latte While Awaiting The Next Endeavor Within The Existential Experience

Me And A tree. In A Humored Way, To Me, Equates Branching Into Worlds Known And Unknown. Metamorphosis.

Unknown And Distant Energy, Yet Close And Visible.

Always Looking, Searching, Wandering And Wondering


Contemplation Discovered

From Whence I Left, I Arrived

The Picture

Blue Heart Found


Pathway To?

Coordinate System

The mystery of the lost Tuna. It was in the pantry, but now it is not. Who done it?

"I never stole the Tuna. How could I when I was in Miami" stated Hamish when questioned

How can Hamish be in Miami and Alaska at the same time? What is going on?

The truth be said, Frank was the biggest eater pushing his brothers away as kittens during feeding time. No one was surprised at these conclusions after a long investigation. Frank has had his rations cut by half for one day as punishment.

Mirror Reflections

The story of the forest, of wandering between dreaming and waking. Of a moment that fills the mind with new ideas from a place never before visited. A place invented from the mirror of our mind reflecting what seems to be real.

And then the mirror of the dream comes alive and saturation fills the spaces.


Meditating in two places at the same moment

Entrance Or Exit?

Near And Far Away In The Same Moment

I felt the waves as the vibrations passed through me. I did not know where they came from, but I knew they were friendly. I raised my hands to feel its presence and I knew this was going to be a wonderful day.

Green Room

Dystopian Sun

Night Orb


Cave Mystery

Temple Within?

Structural Parts

Building Blocks

Six Orbs

Concentric Circles


Living Room Lamp

Shape, Color, Form And A Story?

Not A Snake!

Perspective on Height and Distance

Hidden Color

Secret Procession


Behind The Door

Orbs In Passage To...

Transport Orb

Things Too Come

Eleven Minutes To Twelve

The Juxtaposition of these two elements is an Analogy on life

Distracted Plain

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